24 Dec 2014

How To Use Coconut Oil To Keep Skin Soft

Coconut oil is a skin-friendly oil. It has been used by many people as a massage oil and as a smooth ning agent for the skin. It is also widely accepted that coconut oil protects the skin from harmful sun's rays and thereby, act as the best suntan lotion. The coconut oil is concentrated with saturated fats that make the skin smooth. Capric, caprylic and lauric acid, which are found in the coconut oil, are strong disinfectants and they also have antimicrobial properties. This makes coconut oil a natural treatment option for open wounds on skin. 

Vitamin E in the coconut oil is an added benefit for a healthy skin. By constant use, this can repair the wear and tear of the skin and can protect skin from cracking. Skin care tips for winter are important as the skin tends to become drier during the cold season. Coconut oil for skin is very important, especially because of the effective properties of the oil that will help with the dryness. The following are a few reasons why coconut oil should be used for dry skin. Skin Softener During the winter, you are sure to face dry and hard skin conditions. The basic thing that you need to do is moisturise the skin, and this can be easily done with the help of coconut oil. Cracked Feet Cracked feet is something that you will experience during the cold winter days. This can also be due to your dry skin. One of the skin care tips for winter is to use coconut oil for your skin. It will help in softening your feet. An overnight change cannot be experienced, but it will help in softening your feet gradually. Scalp care You will be prone to having dry scalp during winter. Getting a massage with warm coconut oil is one of the easiest methods to get rid of this. This will give you an added benefit as coconut oil will act on dandruff as well. Lip Care During the winter, cracked lips can cause a lot of discomfort and embarrassment. When you use cosmetics on your lips, there is no doubt that you will consume some amount of it. This can be harmful to you. When you use coconut oil for skin, there is no fear even when you lick them. This is one of the skin care tips for winter. Skin diseases Acne, psoriasis and eczema are few skin problems that can be cured with the help of coconut oil. The basic concept here is that the protein content in the oil replaces the dead or dying cells and quickly replaces it with new and healthy cells. They also act against the microbial bodies and also help in clearing out the marks. These are some of the most effective ways to use coconut oil for skin care. Don't expect a change overnight. Be consistent on whatever methods you try.

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