24 Dec 2014

How To Look Great At Work

Looking good at work is an important thing for all of us. You need to look good and at the same time carry yourself off well at work. The importance of work makeup tips needs no special mention to men and women who are on a payroll! Dressing well is important to both genders. Appropriate makeup for work determines who you are as a person. Most offices are air-conditioned. That is a boon in disguise as you can look fresh till the end of the day. Occasional touch-ups are required so that you do not look worn out and tired after nine hours of work! You can look your best with minimal makeup, yet make heads turn, with good and decent makeup. 

LOOK YOUR BEST EVERYDAY Read on to know how to look good at work. 
1. Say bye to foundation creams: You must be sitting in an air-conditioned office. But if you think that you will look great by wearing expensive brands of makeup or by over-doing it, you got that wrong! Make sure that you do not apply foundation creams when you are off to work. It makes you look like a wannabe! Instead, apply sunscreens. They serve a better purpose. There are many tips to look good at work. But this one tops the list. 

2. Simple eye makeup: Your eyes speak for you. Hence, you must make sure that your eye makeup is at its best. A simple kajal and mascara will do the trick. You can use a smudge-free kajal and mascara. They make you look great and are easy to carry off as well. 

3. Minimal lipstick: Lips are a very sensitive part of your face. Your lips need to be taken care of properly. It is one of the most important makeup tips to follow. You also need to use branded lipsticks. Always remember that your office is not the place to show off your makeup skills! If you are a person who loves sporting lipstick, wear light shades that suit your skin. But make sure that you wear them light! 

4. Use lip balms: They are much healthier than lipsticks. It is winter now, and the air-condition in your workplace will aggravate dry skin. Even if you like using lipstick, apply the lip balm at least thrice a day to keep your lips beautiful. Branded lip balms are available in the market. 

5. Moisturise your skin: If you want to know how to look good at work with ease, here is a simple answer. Carry a good moisturiser with you to work. Moisturising your skin 3 to 4 times a day does wonders to it. This winter, pledge yourself that you will take care of your skin well. You will look fresh if you moisturise your skin often. 

6. Dress with style and etiquette: Yes, that is the most important tip. You just cannot afford to dress the way you want to at work. A basic etiquette needs to be followed. If you wear party dress to look hot and attractive, you will end up being the laughing stock at your workplace. Dress simple and decent. That is the in-thing at workplaces now!

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