24 Dec 2014

Tips To Avoid Smudge Eyeliner And Kajal

Eyes are the windows to one's souls, so goes the saying. Looking at the eyes, you get a fair idea about the person and the kind of mood he or she is in. Not all of us are blessed with beautiful and well-shaped eyes, but we all have the option of making them glow with health and happiness. In order to enhance the appearance of the eyes, we can opt for various eye makeup cosmetics such as liners, kajal, eye shadows and mascara. These products, no doubt, make the eyes look beautiful and attractive but there is one constant concern - how to avoid smudging kajal or liner? Well-done makeup looks good but a slight flaw can mar the whole appearance. The same goes for eye makeup. In fact, a smudged eyeliner or kajal would give a rather ghastly appearance. No one would like to have liner smudged all around the eyes. Following some basic eye care makeup tips can go a long way in preventing smudged looks and leave a more confident you. 

• Use waterproof makeup: The first and foremost thing to do would be to invest in good quality waterproof eye makeup. Since the idea is to prevent any kind of smudging and embarrassment, it is always good to go for waterproof products. They tend to stay longer too.

• Liquid over pencil: Liners come in two forms - liquid and pencil. Users have often said that the liquid is better compared to the pencil. The pencil is much more prone to smudging. It can give you the looks of a Halloween character.

• Apply primer: When applying liner or kajal, try to go for a primer. Apply a thin coat of primer on the upper eye lid. Once well applied, the eyelids are ready for the liner. Doing so prevents the liner from coming off and helps the liner to stay longer. 

• Cleanse face and lids: Never make a mistake of applying makeup on greasy and grimy skin. Be it morning or evening, always wash you face with a mild face wash, pat dry and then apply your makeup. The eyelids should be clean to allow the makeup to stay. 

• Keep eye makeup remover at hand: Your makeup may be waterproof and smudge free but you never know what lies ahead. A small accident can cause the makeup to get smudged. You cannot let that stay smudged. Using a good makeup remover, take off the smudged makeup as soon as possible. Keeping eye makeup handy helps. 

• Carry makeup: Eye care makeup tips also suggest carrying your eye makeup for those little touch-ups. A small smudge here or a little bit of erasing can be covered up instantly when you have your makeup with you. 

• Have a napkin handy: You not only need to keep a remover and spare makeup at hand but also some soft napkins. When you see your makeup going smudgy, you should have something at hand to wipe it. What else can do the job other than some good quality napkin? 

• Keep hands away: When all is going good, keep your hands away from your eyes. Many of us have the habit of touching eyes or rubbing them once in a while. It can spell bad for your makeup. Eyes can say a lot about you and hence, you would want them to say things only in your favour. One way to do so is to follow tips to avoid smudgy eye liner and kajal. Well-applied eye makeup does wonders to one's appearance and we would all like to experience those wonders.

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