24 Dec 2014

How To Get Fair & Glowing Skin

Fair skin has always been a top favourite for Indian women. Though there are multiple creams available in the market, Indians always opt for home remedies. To get fair and glowing skin quickly there are certain things you need to follow step by step. Firstly, to get fair skin fast you should opt for a remedy which suits your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, make sure not to use harsh chemicals or ingredients that might burn your skin. Simple home remedies that make your blemishes lighter are - milk cream, curd and above all - besan flour mixed with rose water.

These are some of the ways to get fair and glowing skin quickly. Take a look at these tips to improve your skin tone. AS soon as you wake up in the morning, wash your face with a glass of cold milk. As you pour the milk on your face, gently massage your cheeks in circular motion. This tip should be done for 2 weeks to get desired results. One piece of cheese is grated finely. Smash the cheese with your finger tips and apply on your face and neck region. Allow the paste to be on your face for 10 minutes before washing it off. If you want to see fast results, you have got to follow this tip.The best way to get fair and glowing skin is to apply besan and rose water mixture to your face twice in a week for 4 weeks. You will get to see the desired results. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E. This Vitamin will help to remove blemishes in no time. It also lightens the acne scars and removes unwanted marks on your skin. Using almond paste to get fair and glowing skin is the best option. Curd contains acid and so does lemon. Both of these ingredients are mixed together and then applied on to your face and neck. To get fair and glowing skin, this tip has to be followed thrice in a week. Tomato contains lycopene, which helps to reduce the tan instantly. It is a perfect choice for the home remedies to get fair and glowing skin. Boil one teaspoon of cumin seeds in water and wash your face daily with this concoction to get a clearer and glowing complexion. Water from tender coconut also ensures a healthy and bright skin. Apply it twice daily to get fair skin free of scars and blemishes. Washing your face daily with rose water improves the skin tone and makes it clear. Never apply soap when you are washing your face with rose water. Beat an egg till it's fluffy and frothy. Apply on the face and keep it on till it dries off completely. Wash off with cool water.

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