24 Dec 2014

How To Use Lemon For Skin Whitening

Fair skin has always been the main focus among Indian women. At some point of time we have all tried various home remedies to improve our complexion. Lemon is a must use for women who are in dying need to brighten their look. But, how do you use lemon on the face, is a question everyone asks! Using lemon for skin whitening is the best natural ingredient. It not only improves the texture of your skin, but it also keeps away those nasty pimples and lightens scars. Here are the best ways to use lemon on the face, take a look. 

Cut a lemon into half. The fresh lemon is then gently rubbed in a circular motion on the face and neck and left in for 10 minutes. This procedure done regularly will see your skin lightening up day by day. All you have to do is mix a small quantity of lemon juice with a bit of yogurt. Apply this mask on your face once in a week to see desired results. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and egg whites. On a low flame, heat the mixture and wait for it to become thick.Place this mixture on your face and neck and you will get to see results in a week. Another way to naturally become fair is to mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with a spoon of honey. This pack is then applied on your face to give in that effective skin lightening look. In a bowl of milk, place a few drops of lemon juice. Mix the contents well and then apply onto your face. The milk helps to remove the blemishes and the lemon juice improves skin tone. The other best way to use lemon for skin whitening is to add a few drops of milk cream. This mixture is then used, the first thing in the morning. Olive oil is also mixed with lemon juice to give improve the skin tone. Olive oil is soft on the skin and also removes unwanted marks. It is one of the ways to use lemon for skin whitening. Lemon is also mixed with rose water to remove tan. It is a perfect way to use lemon on the face if your skin is sensitive.

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