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24 Dec 2014

It is always nice to have a beverage along with your yummy breakfast. If you are not the one who prefers a cup of brewing coffee or tea, then milkshake should be on the list. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and having a table laid like a king is best to complete your meal. There is a list of healthy milkshakes you can try out this morning for breakfast. From fruit shakes to vegetable shakes, there are lots of beverages which can complete your meal. This morning add one of these milkshakes to your feast. Rose Milkshake Rose milk is one of the best milkshakes to have for the Winter season. You will need chilled milk, Rose milk essence, Sugar, Almonds, Cashew nuts. Grate all these ingredients together to make a yummy milkshake for breakfast. Banana Milkshake This is one of the yummiest milkshakes you can add to your breakfast meal. The fruit needs to be washed, peeled and deseeded. This is then blended along with the milk to make a yummy shake. Avocado Milkshake The other milkshake you can indulge in this morning is avocado milkshake. Grind a little milk, sugar and the flesh of the avocado together to make a thick juice. You can use honey instead of sugar. Chocolate Milkshake For this yummy breakfast milkshake you will need - milk, vanilla, ice cream, chocolate syrup and biscuits. You have to blend all the ingredients together except the biscuits until frothy. Then, add the biscuits and blend for a minute. Whipped cream can be added on top. Watermelon Milkshake Being the season of watermelon, this is an ideal milkshake for you to try out. Cubed frozen watermelons, milk, vanilla extract and sugar are blended to make a thick smooth milkshake. Sugar is not required if the watermelon is sweet.

Fair skin has always been the main focus among Indian women. At some point of time we have all tried various home remedies to improve our complexion. Lemon is a must use for women who are in dying need to brighten their look. But, how do you use lemon on the face, is a question everyone asks! Using lemon for skin whitening is the best natural ingredient. It not only improves the texture of your skin, but it also keeps away those nasty pimples and lightens scars. Here are the best ways to use lemon on the face, take a look. 

Cut a lemon into half. The fresh lemon is then gently rubbed in a circular motion on the face and neck and left in for 10 minutes. This procedure done regularly will see your skin lightening up day by day. All you have to do is mix a small quantity of lemon juice with a bit of yogurt. Apply this mask on your face once in a week to see desired results. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and egg whites. On a low flame, heat the mixture and wait for it to become thick.Place this mixture on your face and neck and you will get to see results in a week. Another way to naturally become fair is to mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with a spoon of honey. This pack is then applied on your face to give in that effective skin lightening look. In a bowl of milk, place a few drops of lemon juice. Mix the contents well and then apply onto your face. The milk helps to remove the blemishes and the lemon juice improves skin tone. The other best way to use lemon for skin whitening is to add a few drops of milk cream. This mixture is then used, the first thing in the morning. Olive oil is also mixed with lemon juice to give improve the skin tone. Olive oil is soft on the skin and also removes unwanted marks. It is one of the ways to use lemon for skin whitening. Lemon is also mixed with rose water to remove tan. It is a perfect way to use lemon on the face if your skin is sensitive.

Our skin is the most wondrous organ in the body simply for the way it functions. It is constantly renewing itself and every two minutes of the day, almost 30,000 dead skin cells are flaked away. As we are aware, exfoliants are a wonderful way to replenish the skin. There are basically two types of skin exfoliants- mechanical and chemical. Both these have their own functions which we will briefly be discussing. In this article, we basically look at some tips to remember while using skin exfoliants.

Exfoliation has a lot of advantages associated with it. For instance, because of the positive action it has on the pores, it is a good source against acne. Using exfoliants, however, needs to be done with calculation and precaution. Let us go ahead and look at these tips to remember while using skin exfoliants. Here are a few tips for exfoliating the skin. Read on... Mechanical Exfoliants Mechanical exfoliants are the most widely available exfoliants. Brushes, creamy cleansers and facial scrubs are the most common type of mechanical exfoliants. The tip that needs to be remembered here is that mechanical exfoliants are best for oily skin. So if your skin is oily, make sure you use mechanical exfoliants. For acne prone skin, mechanical exfoliants are the best. Chemical Skin Exfoliants Chemical exfoliants usually work on the basis of a chemical reaction by breaking bonds that prevent fresh, young skin from coming up to the surface. Chemical skin exfoliants are better suited for people who have dry skin, for the effects are more pronounced then. Do Not Use Daily You mustn't use exfoliants on an everyday basis- be it mechanical or chemical. Using it everyday will damage skin. It is an unhealthy habit to use exfoliants on a daily basis. Number Of Times A Week People who have dry skin should keep exfoliation at just about two times a week. Twice a week would be perfect. Those with oily skin can exfoliate up to four times a week depending on the requirement. Whilst exfoliating the skin, the right method has to employed for optimum results.

Fair skin has always been a top favourite for Indian women. Though there are multiple creams available in the market, Indians always opt for home remedies. To get fair and glowing skin quickly there are certain things you need to follow step by step. Firstly, to get fair skin fast you should opt for a remedy which suits your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, make sure not to use harsh chemicals or ingredients that might burn your skin. Simple home remedies that make your blemishes lighter are - milk cream, curd and above all - besan flour mixed with rose water.

These are some of the ways to get fair and glowing skin quickly. Take a look at these tips to improve your skin tone. AS soon as you wake up in the morning, wash your face with a glass of cold milk. As you pour the milk on your face, gently massage your cheeks in circular motion. This tip should be done for 2 weeks to get desired results. One piece of cheese is grated finely. Smash the cheese with your finger tips and apply on your face and neck region. Allow the paste to be on your face for 10 minutes before washing it off. If you want to see fast results, you have got to follow this tip.The best way to get fair and glowing skin is to apply besan and rose water mixture to your face twice in a week for 4 weeks. You will get to see the desired results. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E. This Vitamin will help to remove blemishes in no time. It also lightens the acne scars and removes unwanted marks on your skin. Using almond paste to get fair and glowing skin is the best option. Curd contains acid and so does lemon. Both of these ingredients are mixed together and then applied on to your face and neck. To get fair and glowing skin, this tip has to be followed thrice in a week. Tomato contains lycopene, which helps to reduce the tan instantly. It is a perfect choice for the home remedies to get fair and glowing skin. Boil one teaspoon of cumin seeds in water and wash your face daily with this concoction to get a clearer and glowing complexion. Water from tender coconut also ensures a healthy and bright skin. Apply it twice daily to get fair skin free of scars and blemishes. Washing your face daily with rose water improves the skin tone and makes it clear. Never apply soap when you are washing your face with rose water. Beat an egg till it's fluffy and frothy. Apply on the face and keep it on till it dries off completely. Wash off with cool water.

Honey is one of the best ingredients to use on your face. When this beautiful golden product is applied to the face, the sticky substance helps to get rid of the dry skin in no time. Honey is also a safer option if you have sensitive skin as it helps to keep away skin infections and rashes. To use honey as a face cleanser, there are some easy tips for you to keep in mind. Firstly, when using honey for the first time on your face, it is better to do a patch test behind your ear. This helps to see if your skin agrees to the sweet home remedy to get better looking skin. Secondly, honey can be mixed with any other natural ingredient. For one - lemon is squeezed into honey and applied on the face if you want to get rid of tan. Curd is mixed with honey to give you glowing skin and egg is mixed with honey to help get rid of acne. Likewise, there are different ways for which you can use honey on your face. However, these are some of the best ways to use honey as a face cleanser, take a look: It is important to wash your face with running water. This helps to remove all the dust from your face before you begin to use honey as a face cleanser. Wash your face well with room temperature water. Wipe dry. When your face is dry, take a piece of cotton ball and dip it into milk. Squeeze the excess milk from the cotton and gently massage it in your face. Immediately remove the milk from your face using a cotton swipe. Make sure you remove every drop of milk from your face. To get a good glowing face, you need to exfoliate. In a cup, add two tablespoon of sugar. Mix a little water to it. Now use this mixture and exfoliate your face. This helps in removing dead skin and opening pores. When done, wash your face well with water. Now use lemon to remove the tan from your face. Using lemon before applying honey on your face will help to lighten blemishes and acne marks. Lemon is kept on the face for only 10 minutes. Wash off well with cold water. After 15 minutes, use honey as a face cleanser on your skin. Honey is gently massaged on your face and neck in a circular motion. Move your fingers upwards when applying the honey on your face. Let it stay on your skin for at least 15 minutes. Soaked hot towels are now used to remove the honey from your face. Make sure to remove the sticky substance with the hot towel. Now to almost complete the process of using honey as a face cleanser, wash your face and neck with warm water. This will freshen up your pores. After 10 minutes, rub your face and neck with ice cubes. The cooling effect from the ice will add a glow on your face. The last step in using honey as a face cleanser is to pat your face dry with a clean cotton cloth. You can also use tissue or soft cotton ball.

Skin is an extremely fragile part of your body. You need to be extra careful while caring for your skin. You just cannot use any lotion or moisturiser on the skin. There are various issues that the skin faces from time to time. Right from dermal infection to acne and reactions, the skin is prone to all sorts of issues. The skin is made of various cells, and there are various types of skins. A normal skin reacts to situations differently from an oily or dry skin. If you have a sensitive skin, you will go through a completely different sort of situation.

Whatever be your skin type, you need to be extra careful about your skin. Applying whatever it takes to keep the skin hydrated is essential. It is also important to moisturise the skin on a regular basis to keep the skin healthy and hydrated. There are various reasons why you need to have a moisturised and supple skin. Here are reasons and ways to maintain a moisturised skin, be it facial or other parts of the body. Never ignore your skin. Radiates the Skin Moisturising your skin is a step towards maintaining a radiant and absolutely bright skin. With proper moisturising, you are offering hydration to the skin. This in turn makes your skin look lively and nice. Avoids Chemical Reactions Skin, being a biological system in itself, undergoes a lot of biochemical reactions on a regular basis. If the skin is not hydrated properly, you will see that these reactions will harm the skin. If you want to avoid such effects, resort to moisturising. Easy to Repair Tissues When you have moisturised and supple skin, you tend to enjoy easy tissue repair. You will find that damaged tissues can cause harm to your skin. For smooth and soft skin that can repair tissue damage, you need to moisturise your skin on a regular basis. According to skin care tips, if you keep your skin moisturised, metabolism will work fine. Removes Wrinkles When you keep your skin hydrated, you will experience lesser amount of wrinkles as compared to when the skin is dehydrated. The major reason responsible for causing wrinkles on your skin is dehydration. Ample amount of water in your body will ensure that you don't get wrinkles and enjoy smooth and soft skin. Cures Infection When you have a dehydrated skin that's not moisturised, you will face a lot of infections. Moisturising is good for the skin, and cures all sorts of infection. Dehydrated skin is the cause of acne and other skin infections. Importance of water is known when you face such skin problems. When you have a moisturised skin, you will see that you don't have any infections or acne problems. Prevents Damage of Skin A well-hydrated and moisturised skin replenishes your skin easily. Dry skin is prone to cracks and other sorts of damage. Bacteria and other irritants that tend to penetrate into the dry skin can cause damage to it. If you want to enjoy good skin that does not allow any microorganisms to enter, you should keep it moisturised.

Coconut oil is a skin-friendly oil. It has been used by many people as a massage oil and as a smooth ning agent for the skin. It is also widely accepted that coconut oil protects the skin from harmful sun's rays and thereby, act as the best suntan lotion. The coconut oil is concentrated with saturated fats that make the skin smooth. Capric, caprylic and lauric acid, which are found in the coconut oil, are strong disinfectants and they also have antimicrobial properties. This makes coconut oil a natural treatment option for open wounds on skin. 

Vitamin E in the coconut oil is an added benefit for a healthy skin. By constant use, this can repair the wear and tear of the skin and can protect skin from cracking. Skin care tips for winter are important as the skin tends to become drier during the cold season. Coconut oil for skin is very important, especially because of the effective properties of the oil that will help with the dryness. The following are a few reasons why coconut oil should be used for dry skin. Skin Softener During the winter, you are sure to face dry and hard skin conditions. The basic thing that you need to do is moisturise the skin, and this can be easily done with the help of coconut oil. Cracked Feet Cracked feet is something that you will experience during the cold winter days. This can also be due to your dry skin. One of the skin care tips for winter is to use coconut oil for your skin. It will help in softening your feet. An overnight change cannot be experienced, but it will help in softening your feet gradually. Scalp care You will be prone to having dry scalp during winter. Getting a massage with warm coconut oil is one of the easiest methods to get rid of this. This will give you an added benefit as coconut oil will act on dandruff as well. Lip Care During the winter, cracked lips can cause a lot of discomfort and embarrassment. When you use cosmetics on your lips, there is no doubt that you will consume some amount of it. This can be harmful to you. When you use coconut oil for skin, there is no fear even when you lick them. This is one of the skin care tips for winter. Skin diseases Acne, psoriasis and eczema are few skin problems that can be cured with the help of coconut oil. The basic concept here is that the protein content in the oil replaces the dead or dying cells and quickly replaces it with new and healthy cells. They also act against the microbial bodies and also help in clearing out the marks. These are some of the most effective ways to use coconut oil for skin care. Don't expect a change overnight. Be consistent on whatever methods you try.

Pimple is one of the things that most men and women resent. To make your skin pimple free, there are a few home remedies and tricks you can use. Though many feel avoiding pimples isn't easy, they are wrong. To avoid those nasty pimples from popping up on your face, you first need to be careful about your diet. Consuming oily food is harmful for your skin. If you take a look at these skin care tips, you are bound to keep your skin pimple free. The other skin care tip to keep in mind is to wash your face at regular intervals, preferably with cold water. Washing face with warm water too has many benefits. Warm water helps to remove dirt and grime from the face. You can use lukewarm water to rinse your face once in a week. Here are some of the best and easy ways to make your skin pimple free: You need to follow a good hygiene. It should involve washing the face regularly to get rid of makeup, dirt, dust and grime. Never allow hair to fall on your face. The oil from your hair is the main reason for those pimples to pop up on your face. Touching and popping those pimples on your face will only accentuate the problem. It is one of the ways to make your skin pimple free. Eating oily and greasy food such as chocolates doesn't do much good to your skin. However, eating grains and fruits helps you in keeping your skin healthy and pimple free. Ice keeps your skin fresh. Rub a cube on your face to remove the oil and dirt trapped inside. Applying honey on the face works as a treatment for pimples and preventing it from occurring in future. Applying lemon juice cleanses the face. It removes oil, kills bacteria, reduces redness and also removes the pimple scars. It is one of the ways to make your skin pimple free. A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice can be applied on the skin to make it pimple free. This is the fastest way to make your skin pimple free.

Do you resent looking at your face in the mirror cause of those nasty blackheads? If, yes, then we have some ways you can try out to get rid of the blackheads on your nose. These home remedies are simple and not that difficult. The best part of it all is they are available in your kitchen. All you need is time to go ahead with the procedure. Blackheads on the nose can look unpleasant to one's eyes. Therefore, getting rid of it is the best step for you to take. For many who are unaware of what blackheads are - It is a main problem that affects people who have oily skin. A blackhead generally forms when oily substance called sebum secretions in the body is clogged in the pores. So, in cases like these, doing something about your oily skin is another way to keep blackheads at bay. 

Here are some of the ways to remove the blackheads on your nose: Grated raw potato will not only act as an acne remedy, but will also help in removing blackheads from your nose. Cut potato is rubbed vigorously on your nose. Use a rough towel to wipe it later. One of the ways to get rid of blackheads is with the help of honey. Heat a little honey over a flame. Use this lukewarm ingredient mixed with a dab of sugar to exfoliate your nose. Cinnamon is used with a spoon of honey to remove blackheads from your nose. This home remedy is worth a shot as it also provides you with clearer skin. Grinding a fresh tomato and using it as a face mask will help to keep blackheads at bay. It also helps to get rid of oily skin. A paste made of cornstarch and water is great-it dries the skin and will exfoliate your skin when you wash it off. To remove blackheads from your face, you have to steam it first with natural herbs like - lavender, lemon peel and mint leaves. These ingredients refresh your skin and thus gets rid of blackheads. Cleanse your face with pasteurized milk: Gently rub your face with a cloth dipped in milk. The best home remedy for blackheads is aloe vera. Rub a fresh piece of aloe vera on your nose for 15 minutes. Rub the aloe vera in an upward position to remove the blackheads. Toothpaste is another blackhead nose removal tip you can follow before you go to bed. Lace your nose with toothpaste and when it gets dry, peel it in an upwards position. Exfoliating does one very important job-it sloughs away dead skin cells. So, get rid of those nasty blackheads with the help of a sugar scrub. Since blackheads are caused by open, clogged, pores reacting to oxygen. You can open your pores with the help of a fresh lemon peel. Rub a piece of lemon on your nose to help loosen the pores and allow it to breathe. Use the white of an egg for blackheads on the nose. All you need to do is, apply a layer of egg on your nose. Allow it to dry naturally. When dry, rub off the mask using your fingers in an upward position. Prepare a face scrub with the help of crushed almonds and gram flour. This mixture is used on the nose to help remove the heads. Mix up two tablespoons of yogurt with one tablespoon of lemon juice and apply it to the affected area to get rid of blackheads. One of the best home remedies for blackheads is baking soda. Mix one tablespoon of soda in two tablespoon of water. Apply this mixture on the nose and rub the affected area in an upward circular motion to cleanse the pores. One tablespoon of haldi is mixed with mint juice to form a thick mixture. This mixture is then added on your nose and peeled out when dry. Strawberry leaves on the blackhead can also be helpful. The alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling and cleanse the pores those are blocked. Grind a handful of methi leaves into powder. Two drops of water is mixed with the powder to form a thick paste. This paste is then applied on the nose. When dry, it is washed with milk. Oatmeal is one of the best home remedies to get rid of blackheads quickly. This oatmeal is mixed with milk and applied on the area before you wash your face, first thing in the morning. Not many are aware of this. But, black beans are ground to form a paste and then applied on the nose to get rid of blackheads.

Most of our energy is spent trying to find the best products for our face and in the process we completely ignore our body. We might be pampering it with an expensive and good smelling body lotion, but we forget to pay heed to the basics - our bathing soap! It is very rare that we pay a lot of attention to details, when we are picking soap. Having watched this recent Dove moisturizing bar commercial we've re-evaluated our choice of bathing soap. So we've listed down a few things that we think all of us absolutely must know about the Dove Bathing Bar- Dove does not cause skin to stiffen up Harsh soaps can reduce the water content in the outermost layer of our skin. Dove unlike a harsh soap makes sure that the natural oil and moisture in your skin do not strip away. It protects the essential lipid & protein from the skin which is essentially responsible for the water content of the skin and its elasticity. You can see this depicted in the video by Dove. Dove does not leave a thin layer on the skin Dove does not leave behind an invisible layer of oil on our skin. This layer which is usually left behind by harsh soaps can form a barrier that seals in natural moisture. It can make our skin greasy and cause breakouts. Dove does not lather up too much Extremely large amounts of lather can cause dryness and irritation. Thus our bathing bar need not lather as much as our laundry detergent does and if it does it is time to throw it out. Verdict: Dove is one of the best bathing bars for our skin So why does a moisturizing bar like Dove triumph over Soap? Answer: A gentle cleanser like Dove which is rich in moisturisers helps in keeping our skin healthy. It does not destroy the keratin on our skin, it does not block our pores with scum and makes sure our skin doesn't become stiff. What else can we do to make sure our skin stays intact and doesn't start forming scales a dragon would envy? Answer: Now the next time you are shopping for your favourite facial beauty products, don't forget your body in the process, pamper it with the Dove Bathing Bar for supple, smooth and healthy skin!

Dark elbows can ruin the look even if you are dressed gorgeously. You might have faced instances where you had to give pretty little white dress a pass simply because of the darkened elbows. There are various ways to solve this issue; the most common being rubbing lemon on the elbows. We list down of the quick and effective home remedies to lighten the dark elbows. Skin Care Tips To Remove Dark Spots Elbow skin is on the thicker side and tends to lose more moisture than rest. This makes elbows rough; and the more you ignore the worse it will become. Some of the reasons why elbows become dark are lack of exfoliation, moisturisation and application of sunscreen. So, it is necessary to take care of the elbows. If you want to achieve flawless elbow skin, read these simple and effective home remedies to get rid of your dark elbows. Mint, an essential herb used in everyday cooking, works efficiently in lightening the dark elbow skin. Take fistful of mint leaves and bring them to boil in half a cup of water. Squeeze half lemon in the boiled mint water. Apply the mixture with a cotton on your elbows. Wash it with warm water after 15 to 20 minutes. Mixture of sugar and olive oil acts as an exfoliator as well moisturiser on the skin. Take equal quantities of olive oil and sugar and mix them to make a thick paste. Rub the mixture for five minutes and wash it using mild soap and water. Make a thick paste of baking soda and milk. Apply this on your elbow and scrub gently in circular motion until you see your skin becoming lighter. The lactic acid in milk helps reducing pigmentation while baking soda exfoliates dead skin cells. In a bowl mix one tablespoon of coconut oil and half a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the elbow and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Wipe away the solution with tissue. Coconut oils is a hydrating agent and natural bleacher. Mix 2 tablespoon of yogurt with 2 tablespoon of vinegar. Apply it on the elbow skin and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. You can consider wrapping a cloth so the mixture remains intact. Wash it away with lukewarm water. Yogurt is rich in lactic acid whereas vinegar is loaded with acetic acid, both of which helps in lightening. We all have used besan (gram flour) packs for our faces. You can use them on you darkened elbows too! Make a smooth besan paste with curd and apply it on the elbows. Once it is dried scrub away in a circular motion and wash it with water. You can also mix lemon juice instead of curd. Take lemon juice and mix it well in besan. Apply this mixture and rub in circular motion. Let it dry and wash it with water. Besan and curd has brightening properties and effectively reduces blemishes and pigmentation while lemon is a natural bleach. Aloe vera plant is probably sitting right now in your balcony without coming to any use. Now use aloe vera gel and honey to remove pigmented elbows. Make paste out of aloe gel and honey and apply it on the elbows. Wash it after 30 minutes. With its antiseptic properties turmeric protects the skin while lightens the skin. Honey is a natural moisturiser. Mix equal quantities of turmeric, milk and honey to make a smooth paste. Apply this pack on the elbow skin and leave it for 20 minutes. Before washing it with water rub the paste for 2 minutes. In case you have dry skin and lemon juice stings you, it is advisable to moisturise the elbow with either petroleum jelly or body lotion a night before the application of lemon-based mixture.

Styling is very essential when it comes to skinny guys. The style skinny guys choose for themselves can affect their looks greatly. The best skinny guys fashion tips include trying out various styles for them to look good. In this article, we shall discuss some fashion tips to style skinny guys in a way that their thin structure does not make much of a difference. Flared Jeans: Bottom flared jeans is one of the best ways to make skinny guys look good. To style skinny guys with a bottom flared jeans is a great idea. In this way, the skinny guys would not look too thin. They would actually look good in them. This is one of the best ways to style skinny guys. Trousers and shirts - Trousers and shirts are formal wears that can make every guy look smart and decent. For skinny guys too, styling them with trousers and shirts is a good way to make them look better. When you are thin, you must wear clothes which are not very body hugging and tight. Chinos - Chinos are coloured pants which are little loose at the waist and thigh regions, but properly fitted at the bottom. Chinos with a shirt or T-shirt will look good. Dark coloured chinos are good for styling skinny guys as they will not look too thin in them. Generally, chinos are actually meant for guys with a thin body structure. These pants are available in all kinds of colours. Shorts and T-shirts - A thin guy needs to be confident enough to carry off this style. Shorts can make a guy look thinner and younger, but if it is styled with skinny guys, it can sometimes go wrong. Shorts and T-shirts may make a skinny guy look thinner, but if they can carry it off well, they can look very cool in it. Jackets - Jackets and sweaters can definitely be used to style skinny guys. These can be mixed and matched with their attires. Jackets and sweaters can accentuate the chest area of a guy and make them look beefy. As boot cut pants help give some structure to the legs, jackets and sweaters do the same with chest area. Skinny guys fashion tips include adding jackets and sweaters to their collection of clothes. Cargo pants - A lose and baggy pant with several pockets is the thing one needs to style skinny guys. These pants can look very stylish if it is put on with a good T-shirt and right accessories. Every skinny guy must have one cargo pant in his wardrobe.

It is important to smell nice, and this is why there are fragrances and deodorants making the rounds of the cosmetic market for both men and women. While women are known to have a knack for all things cosmetic, men on the other hand are quite not so. But every man must remember that it is very important to smell nice. At first it is important to understand that choosing the right smell is very important for you as this is what would identify you. Talking of tips to choose the right perfume, we would like to say that you have to suit the perfume to your personality. Now there are so many brands with so many fragrances in the market that it definitely gets very difficult for someone to choose the right one. Here are some tips for you on how to choose the right cologne. Understand your Need You should try and figure out the fragrance which appeals to you the most, make this your signature style. The classification of perfumes would put them under these categories, namely, floral, which involves one or more flowers, amber fragrances, which includes sweet and exotic smells, and the woody fragrances, which means that they are underlined by sandalwood and cedar notes. You also have honey and tobacco scents which are under the leather family, and so on. Then you have modern fragrances that include aquatic scents and green scents. According to your Personality One of the best tips to choose the right perfume is that you should choose a perfume in accordance to your personality.

Here are some ideas for you from which you can select in accordance to your personality: 

• Musky, Amber based scent - determined person with sophistication and a mysterious allure.
• Woody Connotation - this is for those who are charismatic. 
• Citrus, Green or Aquatic Fragrances - for those who are sporty and are most times very energetic in nature. 
• Floral Based - this is for those men who are playing Romeo, for the romantic ones. 
• Fougere Cologne - for men who are dominant, ambitious and like to be in power. Your Body Chemistry This is an important addition in tips to choose the right perfume. For this you will need to go to the perfume shop in order to find out which fragrance is right for you. This does not mean that you should make ten trips every month for three months at a stretch, but a bit of effort will help you to identify your smell. Trial and error is a very good method in most cases. Remember not to sniff more than three scents in one trip, and use a woolen cloth, like a scarf so that you can inhale in between smelling fragrances in order to clean your nose palette. See how the mixture of the fragrance and your own natural body odour smells. Finally at the end of it all, when you do decide to buy a cologne/perfume, you should remember that you should keep in mind your daily schedule and geography. If it a night out then you should definitely use a stronger smell and if you are working at an office then you must use a lighter smell so that your colleagues do not feel threatened! Also, get a second opinion.

A woman's eyes are one of the most beautiful things to look at all day long. If you deck them up a little more, you will probably get a lot more attention. No matter which colour your eyes are, they can still be beautifully decked up with eye shadows and kajal. However, one key thing to remember in making your eyes look attractive is not to over do it. Making your eyes look attractive with the help of makeup has to be done in a particular fashion where you use a particular colour or shade. Dumping your lids with tons of liners will spoil the look, making you seem unattractive and spooky.

So if you want to make your eyes look attractive with makeup, then here are some of the best makeup tips to follow. Take a look: Never use an eyeshadow that is of the same colour as your eyes. It will not stand out. Beware of brown eye shadow shades that are reddish in colour as they can make you look very tired. Since dark makeup can make your eyes recede, add depth with a shimmery highlight shade - maybe silver or gold. Apply a light coloured, cream-based shimmery shadow to the eyelid. This is one of the best ways to make your eyes look attractive. The most important rule in making your eyes look attractive is to keep the rest of your face soft while opting for a smokey effect. Use a little coconut oil as an all-natural eye makeup remover. It is gentle and effective. Apply eye cream under your eyes and onto the lid before applying your makeup. This little trick will make your eyes look attractive. Use blue eyeliner to make the whites of your eyes appear brighter and attractive. If your eyes are brown, use a navy blue shadow to make them stand out. Apply concealer to your under-eye circles after you apply a coat of foundation. This will make the colour of your eyes stand out. Use a flesh coloured eye liner on the water rim of your lower lash. This line is to make your eyes appear bigger and brighter. Apply your mascara with a fan brush instead of the wand to cover the base of your lashes. Basically, the more definition you have at your lash line, the more your eyes will stand out. Don't apply eyeliner all the way to your inner corner of the eyes. This will tend to make the eyes look smaller. This is one trick to make your eyes look attractive with makeup.

Eyes are the windows to one's souls, so goes the saying. Looking at the eyes, you get a fair idea about the person and the kind of mood he or she is in. Not all of us are blessed with beautiful and well-shaped eyes, but we all have the option of making them glow with health and happiness. In order to enhance the appearance of the eyes, we can opt for various eye makeup cosmetics such as liners, kajal, eye shadows and mascara. These products, no doubt, make the eyes look beautiful and attractive but there is one constant concern - how to avoid smudging kajal or liner? Well-done makeup looks good but a slight flaw can mar the whole appearance. The same goes for eye makeup. In fact, a smudged eyeliner or kajal would give a rather ghastly appearance. No one would like to have liner smudged all around the eyes. Following some basic eye care makeup tips can go a long way in preventing smudged looks and leave a more confident you. 

• Use waterproof makeup: The first and foremost thing to do would be to invest in good quality waterproof eye makeup. Since the idea is to prevent any kind of smudging and embarrassment, it is always good to go for waterproof products. They tend to stay longer too.

• Liquid over pencil: Liners come in two forms - liquid and pencil. Users have often said that the liquid is better compared to the pencil. The pencil is much more prone to smudging. It can give you the looks of a Halloween character.

• Apply primer: When applying liner or kajal, try to go for a primer. Apply a thin coat of primer on the upper eye lid. Once well applied, the eyelids are ready for the liner. Doing so prevents the liner from coming off and helps the liner to stay longer. 

• Cleanse face and lids: Never make a mistake of applying makeup on greasy and grimy skin. Be it morning or evening, always wash you face with a mild face wash, pat dry and then apply your makeup. The eyelids should be clean to allow the makeup to stay. 

• Keep eye makeup remover at hand: Your makeup may be waterproof and smudge free but you never know what lies ahead. A small accident can cause the makeup to get smudged. You cannot let that stay smudged. Using a good makeup remover, take off the smudged makeup as soon as possible. Keeping eye makeup handy helps. 

• Carry makeup: Eye care makeup tips also suggest carrying your eye makeup for those little touch-ups. A small smudge here or a little bit of erasing can be covered up instantly when you have your makeup with you. 

• Have a napkin handy: You not only need to keep a remover and spare makeup at hand but also some soft napkins. When you see your makeup going smudgy, you should have something at hand to wipe it. What else can do the job other than some good quality napkin? 

• Keep hands away: When all is going good, keep your hands away from your eyes. Many of us have the habit of touching eyes or rubbing them once in a while. It can spell bad for your makeup. Eyes can say a lot about you and hence, you would want them to say things only in your favour. One way to do so is to follow tips to avoid smudgy eye liner and kajal. Well-applied eye makeup does wonders to one's appearance and we would all like to experience those wonders.

Looking good at work is an important thing for all of us. You need to look good and at the same time carry yourself off well at work. The importance of work makeup tips needs no special mention to men and women who are on a payroll! Dressing well is important to both genders. Appropriate makeup for work determines who you are as a person. Most offices are air-conditioned. That is a boon in disguise as you can look fresh till the end of the day. Occasional touch-ups are required so that you do not look worn out and tired after nine hours of work! You can look your best with minimal makeup, yet make heads turn, with good and decent makeup. 

LOOK YOUR BEST EVERYDAY Read on to know how to look good at work. 
1. Say bye to foundation creams: You must be sitting in an air-conditioned office. But if you think that you will look great by wearing expensive brands of makeup or by over-doing it, you got that wrong! Make sure that you do not apply foundation creams when you are off to work. It makes you look like a wannabe! Instead, apply sunscreens. They serve a better purpose. There are many tips to look good at work. But this one tops the list. 

2. Simple eye makeup: Your eyes speak for you. Hence, you must make sure that your eye makeup is at its best. A simple kajal and mascara will do the trick. You can use a smudge-free kajal and mascara. They make you look great and are easy to carry off as well. 

3. Minimal lipstick: Lips are a very sensitive part of your face. Your lips need to be taken care of properly. It is one of the most important makeup tips to follow. You also need to use branded lipsticks. Always remember that your office is not the place to show off your makeup skills! If you are a person who loves sporting lipstick, wear light shades that suit your skin. But make sure that you wear them light! 

4. Use lip balms: They are much healthier than lipsticks. It is winter now, and the air-condition in your workplace will aggravate dry skin. Even if you like using lipstick, apply the lip balm at least thrice a day to keep your lips beautiful. Branded lip balms are available in the market. 

5. Moisturise your skin: If you want to know how to look good at work with ease, here is a simple answer. Carry a good moisturiser with you to work. Moisturising your skin 3 to 4 times a day does wonders to it. This winter, pledge yourself that you will take care of your skin well. You will look fresh if you moisturise your skin often. 

6. Dress with style and etiquette: Yes, that is the most important tip. You just cannot afford to dress the way you want to at work. A basic etiquette needs to be followed. If you wear party dress to look hot and attractive, you will end up being the laughing stock at your workplace. Dress simple and decent. That is the in-thing at workplaces now!

23 Dec 2014

Dark circles and marks can be a nightmare for all those who want to have a flawless makeup. Knowing the correct technique to use concealer is more important than selecting the most costly product. For this, you can find many tips and tricks that may come handy one time or the other. The best idea for a perfect look is to use a concealer that is slightly lighter than your skin tone. Line the inner "V," the middle section of your eyelid and just below your brow bone with this. Now, blend the concealers without much pressure to get an even spread that will give a natural highlight. This is one of the best idea to hide under eye dark circles. The correct use of concealer will help you get a radiant skin with a completely flawless glow. There are different types and varieties of concealers available in the market. You can consult a beauty expert to know about the best concealer that suits your skin colour, skin condition and sensitivity. 

Once you are ready with the product, it is the right time for you to try some experiments. Here are some of the most interesting concealer tricks for makeup that will help you get an even skin tone. Foundation first If you are using foundation, it is always better to apply it before using the concealer. This will make it less important to use too much of concealer. Also, it will reduce the chance of wiping off the concealer while applying the foundation. This is an effective tip for a perfect finishing. Two colour trick One of the most effective concealer tricks for makeup is to use two concealers of two shades, preferably one green and one that matches your skin tone. First apply the green concealer over prominent marks and then apply the shade that matches with your skin tone. This will help to get a more natural look. It is recommended to have more than one colour of concealers with you. Use your ring finger If you are applying the concealer with your fingers, one of the under eye concealer tricks is to prefer your ring finger. The reason is that the ring finger is the weakest in applying force. So, this will help you to apply the minimum required pressure to blend or spread the concealer. This will help to give an even spread. Perfect technique While using concealers for under eyes, one of the interesting concealer tricks for makeup is to draw a triangle with the base under your eye and the point toward your cheek. This will hide the dark circles and will create an illusion that your face is a bit lifted. With proper technique, you can get a pro look. Tissue paper blot Once you are finished using your concealer, it will be good if you blot the area with a dry tissue paper. This will help to prevent the concealer from settling in the creases around your eyes. This will help you get a more natural look as well. Try these tricks the next time when you use your concealer. Do you know any other interesting ideas? If yes, do share with us.

Applying foundation can be tricky and it takes practice to perfect the art. Some of us apply too much of it, giving face a ghastly look; whereas too little amount of foundation makes skin look pale. And the never-ending question is how to apply foundation on Indian skin perfectly? So lets put an end to this dilemma. We bring you the step by step guide to apply foundation. 
Makeup Tips For Wheatish Skin Tone There are few points to note before we proceed to how to apply foundation flawlessly. 
First and foremost thing to remember is having the right shade of foundation. Cosmetics market is loaded with various shades of foundation and with pushy sales assistant you may end up buying a wrong shade. Common mistake that everyone does is to match the shade on the wrist. Do not do that. In fact check the shade of the foundation on your neck. The one that closely matches your skin is your shade. Foundation comes in all sizes and shapes. Dry skin beauties should select foundation that comes as liquid, stick, of crème one and those with oily skin should go with mousse variant, however, you may also choose liquid ones (but be sure that it is water based foundation). Also it is important to moisturise and hydrate your face before you apply foundation. This acts as a makeup base and helps the foundation to blend well into the skin. Now that you know the basics let's got to the step by step foundation application process: With these simple tips on how to apply foundation with fingers, sponge or brush, you can get the even look. You can also build up the foundation according to the coverage you need. But be careful of not overdoing it. Pro tip: During cold weather add little foundation to your moisturiser and apply it evenly on the face. It gives natural glow to the face.

Getting a manicure done in salon doesn't mean that it can keep your nails in a good condition. In reality, it can even ruin your nails and your health too if it isn't done correctly. Most women assume that it is easy to throw a coat of nail polish when it is properly manicured. However, even spa worthy treatments are just not enough to prevent you from making common nail polish mistakes. Sometimes, when the manicure is done incorrectly, there will be potential pitfalls. There are a lot of chances of you ending up with fading colour, chipped polish and a smeared messy finish. This may be because of not cleaning your nails properly or you may have applied the nail polish incorrectly and end up messing up your manicure. Sometimes, what we mostly fail to realise is that there are some key techniques that you need to follow if you don't want to make mistakes while painting your nails. Most of us are unaware of the common mistakes that we tend to make when painting our nails. Here are some nail paint mistakes we do.

Applying nail polish on dirty nails One of the common nail polish mistakes is to paint on dirty nails. Nail polish will never stay on the nail for long when it is unclean. All you need to do is clean the nails with a soft-bristled toothbrush and some mild liquid soap before applying coats of nail paint. When your nail is covered with grime or dirt, it can be difficult for the nail polish to stick on it. So make sure to apply paint when your finger nails are dirt-free. Acetone nail polish remover Before applying nail paint, you need to swab your nails with acetone nail polish remover to retain the polish. Do not skip this procedure at all. Skipping the base coat One of the major nail polish mistakes most us of do is when we skip the base coat. Base coat is created to make the polish last longer. It helps smoothen the surface of the nail and improves the hold of the polish on the nail plate. The important tip is that the base coat thwarts the pigments found in the nail paint from yellowing the natural nail. Putting on thick coats of paint When you tend to apply generously thick layer of nail paint, you are creating a mound of polish on top of your nails. It will take much longer to dry or is more likely to chip or dent. Nail polish is not formulated to dry when it is in thick layers. One of the nail paint mistakes is when you use a bottle that has begun to clump or thicken. Applying only one stroke Most of us make nail polish mistakes as we don't know the key technique to apply polish. If there is one technique that you need to learn from a salon, it is to apply three or four strokes of polish to the nail. When you apply only one stroke on your nails, it will look unfinished. Make sure to apply nail polish in an arid and cool place. Remember never to use UV lights to dry your nail paint. Using UV lights can damage the body. Never cut cuticle It is better not to cut the cuticles as they protect your nails from infection and germs. One of the most common nail paint mistakes most women do is that they cut the cuticle. This has huge potential for infection. Before applying nail polish, never cut your cuticles. Instead, try to soften them with cuticle lotion or push them back with cuticle pusher. Even cuticle oil is essential for long lasting polish.

Eye liner is one of the most important things you need to apply on your eyes to look extra beautiful. These trendy ways to do your eyeliner will make you stand out in the crowd too. If you love colours we have a couple of things you can try out and if you love going solo with a jet black shade then we have something better to try out too. These trendy ways to do your eyeliner is simple. Most of the actresses in Bollywood and Hollywood are making the best use of these tips to look fabulous. No matter how big the shape of your eyes is, these simple eye liner makeup tips will prove you to look better than before. These awesome ways to apply eyeliner are featured below. Take a look at these makeup tips. A Natural Shade Starting from the inner corner of your eye, draw a smooth, black line close to your upper lash.. This natural shade will accentuate your long lashes and attract attention to only your eyes. 
Try The Invisible Shade Tightlining or the invisible shade is a great way to achieve alluring eyes. The magic of this eyeliner is it maintains an effortless no makeup look. Using a soft eyeliner pencil, carefully apply the liner from the inner part of your eye outwards. A Coloured Shade The coloured eyeliner isn't always about rocking an intense, edgy pop of colour on your eyes. To get this party look, swap your bold black eyeliner for an eye-popping colored pencil or liquid liner and just glance it across your eyes. Get A Cat Eye Look Of all the trendy cheeky ways to do your eyeliner, this cat eye eyeliner is one of the sexiest and most loved by all. Using a black gel or liquid eyeliner, line your upper lash line. The line should be the thinnest at your inner eye and gradually tapered outward as it reaches the outer corner of your eye.

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